RaiseMe displays your unweighted Grade Point Average (GPA). Read more on this page to understand how this is handled on our platform.
Why might my GPA on RaiseMe be lower than my school GPA?
RaiseMe calculates your unweighted GPA based on core courses entered (Math, Science, English, Social Studies, and Foreign Language) which is measured on a scale of 0 to 4.0. If your school calculates GPA on a weighted scale 0 to 5.0, your GPA may appear lower on RaiseMe.
Since RaiseMe calculates your unweighted GPA based on only core courses, you may see a difference from your school transcript that might include all of your courses when calculating GPA. Important note, please make sure the subject when adding a course on RaiseMe matches the subject on your transcript!
Why can't I enter or change my own GPA?
We do this to standardize across hundreds of thousands of students, whose schools have different weightings for things like AP or honors courses. Colleges often calculate a student's unweighted GPA when determining scholarship awards, so we do the same in order to appropriately reflect what a student will get from a specific college if they are accepted.
How important is my GPA on RaiseMe?
Colleges on RaiseMe require that students meet their minimum GPA to be able to unlock and start earning their Micro-Scholarships, so it's somewhat important. You can see the minimum required GPA for each partner college by visiting their College page.
However, if you usually have a 4.0 GPA and on RaiseMe, it's 3.8, this small difference will not make a significant impact since the college will eventually have your transcript with the actual GPA listed on it!
Don't worry, though - colleges can see advanced courses on RaiseMe and often award more micro-scholarships for them. And if the GPA is truly much higher, the college will see that on the application for admission, and they can always award additional scholarships if they see fit.
What if my GPA is lower than the minimum on RaiseMe, but my real GPA is high enough?
The minimum requirement on RaiseMe is specific to the RaiseMe GPA. Therefore, if your RaiseMe GPA is 2.9, the school requires a 3.0, and you have a 3.1 on your transcript, you have still not met the minimum requirement. Be sure to enter all your classes to get the most accurate GPA (and meet your credit requirements.)
How we calculate your unweighted GPA
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