RaiseMe allows students to earn scholarships before applying to college, but our site is intended for 9th-12th graders, community college students, or 4 year college students intending to transfer to another 4 year institution. Please note, 12th graders can use the site earlier in the school year, but our college partners set a specific earnings deadline, which can be as early as August or as late as April. They set their deadlines for specific reasons, usually related to how they allocate funds, and we're not able to adjust those or make exceptions.
We also support homeschooled students - click here for more information Can homeschoolers use RaiseMe?
Can 8th-grade students sign up?
As long as they are 13 or older, they can! We recommend that they use whatever email will be easiest for them to remember, and one that they plan on having access to for the next few years (vs. a middle school email if it's going to be deactivated.)
They must use their future high school, as middle schools are not listed.
2025 will be added as a graduation year option in onboarding after July 1st this summer. In the meantime, students can select the previous year for now, and update to 2025 once they land on their Portfolio (very easy to do.)
Only the activities and classes from after July before freshman year are eligible for micro-scholarships. Previous achievements can be added but will not earn micro-scholarships.
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