Parent Dashboard
After creating your parent/guardian account, you will land on the parent dashboard! Scroll down for more information on the features available on the parent dashboard!
- Students Page - The student page will show your student(s), Micro-Scholarship earnings, and popular resources.
- Add Student - click +add student to connect or create an account for your student!
- Enter Student Mode - When you click Enter Student Mode, you will be taken from the dashboard to your students Portfolio where you will be able to view and edit: Your student's Portfolio items, scholarship earnings, account information and Followed colleges. For more information on how to add/remove/edit items on their Portfolio, please check out the student getting started section! To leave student mode, click exit to return back to the parent dashboard.
- Pending Invite - Pending invite means that your student(s) have not accepted your invitation to connect. You can click "resend invite" to send them another invitation email! *Please keep in mind that by Connecting with your parent or guardian on RaiseMe they will be able to view and edit: Your Portfolio items, scholarship earnings, account information and Followed colleges.*
- Create Student Portfolio - If your student does not already have a RaiseMe account, click "create" to start the student onboarding process! For more information on how to add courses and achievements to their Portfolio, please check out student getting started section!
- Total Cumulative Earnings - View your student(s) total cumulative earnings at a given time.
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