Good news! If you had a RaiseMe account in high school and you go on to attend community college, you can convert your high school account to a college account to start earning scholarships from 4-year colleges for when you transfer. Students who enroll at 4-year colleges can also sign up and earn micro-scholarships to other institutions if they plan to transfer. See here for more information on who can sign up for a RaiseMe college account.
When can I convert my account?
You can convert your account any time starting July 1 after your senior year (right after you graduate from high school). For example, if you graduate from high school in May or June 2021, you can convert your account starting July 1, 2021. If it’s before July 1 of your high school graduation year, or if you’re not starting college immediately, you can get an email reminder to convert your account later. To set up your college account, you will also need to indicate which college you’re attending.
How do I convert my account?
To convert your account or get a reminder to convert your account later, go to your Account Settings and click to the ‘Convert Account’ section. (you can also do both through a popup that may appear when you visit your RaiseMe portfolio - link here).
Note that if you’re a graduating senior, before July 1 you will just see an option to get a reminder to convert your account. After July 1 of that year, you will be able to convert your account as well.
Converting your account
1) In the ‘Convert Account’ section of Account Settings, click the Convert button.
2) Confirm or update your primary account email. This should be an email address you’ll still be able to use and access during college.
3) Select the college you’re attending.
4) Select your planned transfer term (the first term/semester when you would plan to enroll at a 4-year college after transferring from your community college). You can always update this later as your plans change. If you’re not sure, select the earliest possible time you would transfer.
5) Follow colleges that offer transfer scholarships. Once you click Finish, you’ll land on your new community college account portfolio.
Getting a reminder
1) In the ‘Convert Account’ section of Account Settings, click the Get Reminder button.
2) Confirm the email address where you want to get a reminder to convert your account (this should be an email address that you can still access after high school) and indicate when you plan to start community college.
3) Click Save, and you’re all set! We’ll send a reminder to your email address closer to when the fall semester starts.
What happens when I convert my account?
We’ll keep a record of all of your information from high school, although currently, you won’t see this information appear in your college portfolio (because transfer scholarships are awarded based on your college achievements). You will not see scholarship earnings from high school because colleges generally have separate scholarships for first-time freshman students and transfer students, and their scholarship programs on RaiseMe work the same way. Please note, once an account has been converted, you cannot convert it back. Learn more here.
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