More than 250+ colleges award micro-scholarships on RaiseMe, and many more have begun the process of joining!
How can I tell which colleges offer micro-scholarships?
Because some college programs on RaiseMe are limited to specific students, we ask that student users sign up and fill our their Student Account Settings with the appropriate information in order to see which colleges are available to them via RaiseMe.
If a college page says "Follow to become notified when scholarships become available from this school," then the student is not eligible for micro-scholarships or that school is not a partner. They can/should still Follow the college to indicate interest in the school, and they'll immediately begin earning if the school ever becomes a partner.
Why do some colleges on the site not offer micro-scholarships?
We have many profiles on the site for institutions that are not yet partnered with RaiseMe. This is so students can find new schools that fit what they're looking for, and can consider those alongside the colleges that do offer micro-scholarships. Using the Search function in the student account, students can search for colleges only among those offering scholarships, or across all the colleges and universities on RaiseMe.
If a student is Following a non-partner college on RaiseMe that becomes a partner, and that student is eligible for the college’s micro-scholarship requirements, then they will automatically become qualified to start earning micro-scholarships to that school.
I don't see the college that I want to go to.
First, take a look around! There are many colleges on RaiseMe, including the 250+ that offer micro-scholarships. Many students find new colleges they might otherwise not have heard about, so poke around and see what you find.
If a college is on RaiseMe but not yet offering micro-scholarships, the best next step is to let the college know that you’d like them to partner with us. They may already be in the process of getting set up with us!
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