As a student, there are a few steps to joining and getting started with RaiseMe.
Sign up here!
Let us know who you are, where you’re from, and what you’re about!
Build your Portfolio
Some students find this to be the most fun part of RaiseMe! Create a collection of all your achievements in high school, from grades, to community service, sports, awards, and more. Check out our Student Portfolios section for more information.
Follow Colleges
This part is key - go to our Colleges page and start Following colleges you’re interested in. Some may offer scholarships, and some may not, but Follow any and all that you’re excited about. Learn more about Following colleges here.
Earn $100 (or $1000) in 10 seconds
It's as easy as clicking the +100 button at the top of your Portfolio and inviting your friends. When they sign up for RaiseMe from your referral, you'll both earn $100 to over 60 colleges via RaiseMe!
Keep it up!
Now that you’ve done the bulk of the work, don’t forget to follow through so you can get your scholarship dollars. Update your Portfolio with any new achievements, and be sure to check the requirements for colleges you follow that offer micro-scholarships.
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