You can indicate on your RaiseMe Portfolio whether you had perfect attendance for a specific school year.
Do I have to indicate whether I had perfect attendance or not?
No, you do not have to indicate whether or not you had perfect attendance. Some colleges award micro-scholarships for perfect attendance, but you won't ever lose earned scholarship dollars for imperfect attendance.
What counts as perfect attendance? What about excused absences?
Your transcript needs to show 0 absences. If your school reports even excused absences as an absence on your transcript, you'll be ineligible for perfect attendance micro-scholarships, so you may want to check your transcript to be sure!
How to indicate perfect attendance on your Portfolio
When you're filling out classes, you'll see the words "perfect attendance" at the top right-hand corner of the interface where you're adding courses. It will appear for each year you've added courses.
Click on Attendance, and it prompts you to check the box or not. You can always come back and change this later if circumstances change.
I marked Perfect Attendance but now I have to change it
Click on the edit pencil icon for a particular school year and uncheck the "perfect attendance" box! This is the same impact as if you hadn't marked "Perfect Attendance" in the first place, and has no negative effect on your Portfolio other than removing any micro-scholarships for perfect attendance.
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