By adding art and media projects to your RaiseMe Portfolio, you can showcase your best artwork, music, dance performances, graphic design, and other multimedia! You can earn micro-scholarships from participating colleges for projects you upload. Read on for an overview of the Art and Media section of your RaiseMe Portfolio.
What is a "project"?
A project is an example of your art (performing or visual) that you’d like to show participating colleges. Example projects include a dance performance, a sculpture, and a photography series.
Who will see my projects?
Once you Follow a college partner on RaiseMe, they will be able to see your entire Portfolio including your projects. They'll be able to see the project, including the title, description, and links you provide.
Can I add multiple links per project?
Yes! Each project may contain multiple links. This might be useful if:
- You have multiple clips of a performance
- You want to show a piece of 3D art from multiple angles
- You want to upload a series of photographs
However, you will receive scholarships from participating colleges based on the number of projects you add, not the number of links. This means that if you add a project to showcase your theater performance, you’ll get the same number of scholarships if you add one link to a video, if you add multiple video links, if you add video links and a link to a writeup on the performance, etc.
What information should I provide?
For each project, please provide:
- A title. Be concise but descriptive - good titles may be “Oil Painting of a Farm,” “Performance as Edgar in King Lear,” or “Women’s Eveningwear.”
- A description. In around 100-500 words, please describe your Project - what you worked on, how long you spent, whether you were in a class or worked on your own, and so on.
- A category. Please choose one category that best describes your Project. We currently accept Projects in the following categories:
- Painting and Drawing
- Sculpture
- Photography
- Illustration
- Animation
- Graphic Design
- Interior Design
- Fashion Design
- Jewelry and Metal Arts
- Dance and Performing Arts
- Film and Theater Arts
- Other Visual Arts
- Other Design
- Other Performing Arts
- A date. Please specify the month and year that you completed the project (not the date you added it to your Portfolio). For example, if you worked on a theater production from May 2017 through November 2017, you’d put November 2017 as the date. (Your time spent on the project may count as an Activity as well, and you can add both the activity and the project.)
What content providers are supported?
We allow links from many popular domains, including:
- Google Drive - presentations, spreadsheets, documents, and regular uploads
- Box
- Dropbox
- Flickr
- YouTube
If you have trouble with the link, or haven’t yet uploaded your work, you can try uploading it to Google Drive or another free cloud storage service.
In Google Drive, open up a Word Document, title the document the name of your project, and add the link to the body of the document. Make sure you’ve set your permissions so that the file can be viewed by anyone with the link. Paste that link into the portfolio with the other details.
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